
About me

José Jesús Ochoa Torres / Software engineer

I finished my bachelor’s in engineering computer systems with a specialty in software development. Though I really enjoy working on frontend development, I also have backend knowledge. In my free time, I spend a great part of it learning about web development with the hope that in the future I can change the way everyone produces content for the internet.

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Skills & Knowledge


  • HTML5 Advanced

  • CSS3 Advanced

  • JS (ES6) Advanced

  • PHP Intermediate

  • Python Basic

  • Java SE Basic

Preprocessors, task runners and bundlers

  • SASS Intermediate

  • Gulp Intermediate

  • Webpack Basic

Frameworks, libraries and CMSs

  • Vue Advanced

  • Angular Basic

  • React Basic

  • Polymer Basic

  • Laravel Basic

  • Boostrap Advanced

  • Materialize Advanced

  • Foundation Intermediate

  • jQuery Intermediate

  • Wordpress Intermediate

  • Drupal Basic

Work experience


Web builder / Web designer

Role dedicated to creating and maintaining all IBM public pages taking 
care of the highest standards of quality and accessibility.


Technical Leader / Latinoamerica team

I was the technical leader of a Brasilian team with approximately 12 web designers; some of my responsibilities were, writing documentation, supporting the team, solving technical questions related to our CMS, our CSS framework, accessibility, access, sizings, etc.


Lead developer / Innovation team

This team has a platform to submit innovative ideas, once they are evaluated and approved they are reassigned to the development team. Some of my responsibilities were, deciding stacks to use, developing some of these applications, or just supporting them.


Agile developer / Fullstack developer

I build a set of 10 web pages in WordPress for some Singapore managers. These web pages fallowed the IBM standards, guidelines and look and feel. I added extra functionality to an easy administration like add dynamically content, change the content styles, sizes, etc


Fullstack developer / Drupal team

The Drupal team's main objective is to change the way all IBM pages are created and controlled, such as ibm.com, ibm.com/watson, cloud, etc. We are working with a WYSIWYG solution that will dramatically reduce development times. Every day the Drupal instance with which we work at IBM has become more robust. Currently, we work multiple modules with a Microfrontends architecture operating between each other.